Monday, January 24, 2011

Dream of checking in guests

Yesterday i dream about my workplace again...
i dream of checking in guest mostly indian guest non-stop...
i remeber i did wake in the middle of night for a while but manage to sleep back soon..
but even i did awake in the middle of night my dreams continue..
i could not get a good night sleep...
thinking that the dream might end there as i keep on awake in the middle of night but still the same..
as if i was really there working
it makes me feels tired...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Crocodile nightmare

This early morning i was awaken by my nightmare again.
I dream of going to places which a bunch of friends..not really sure whether the place really exist or not coz i never been to the place.
but the place was at first there is a house up the hill but only half way up.. and there is a valcano at the top hill
out of the whole bunch i can only see my bro and his wife was there together with  me and the rest of the people not really sure who are they but we are all friends..
at first we go to seaside, out of sudden there is a heavy rain.. so we stay in a house near there until the rain stop...
once the rain stop, we went out again but the sea wave is still strong.. the day is still dark due to the rain and we can sea there is a lot of rocks at the side of the sea...
my sister in law was so exited to get a swim there and i remember she say i will go for a swim no matter the wave is strong or not and i asked, do you know how to swim or not?..
after the words, my bro jump in to swim, but weird the water seem to be like a sea with wave but ..not really sure how to say coz my bro swim a bit further but it was actually still really near to the shore..
he show us how deep is the water... it was as deep as my bro height with his hand up straight..
we was so shock that it was so deep already eventhough he was not far off... then he swim further again and out of sudden we heard he shouted there is a crocodile in the sea...huh!! i was thinking how can a crocodile be in the sea..arent they should be at the swamp or river..
the crocodile that we saw in the sea was so big and seem to heading to us...we was so afraid and was screaming and was trying to run...
but out of sudden we saw one in front of me and my sis in law...we was trying to run for our life but ...
the crocodile suddenly turn his  back and somehow it manage to grab me it was hugging me...
i remember the way a crocodile kill his victims by turning their body and twist...i scream to my bro who happen to be at shore already saying that it try to kill me.. quick grab its legs or head so that it wont had the chance to kill me..
it strenght was so strong... we was struggling to get me off but couldnt.... i was so afraid of getting eat by it...until i was awaken.. when i  look at the time, it was only  6.40am..
i was feeling so scare at the time although i know it was just a dream...i wanted to call Ah Ming but he is still at i try to sleep again...
but again i dream again..but this time not about crocodile...i dream of going for a walk near the hill with my bro and his wife..
it was almost like continueing my dream as the place seem similar...
i dream about going up the hill with motorbike... there is a lot of sand on the road which makes me so scare to drive through as it might slip...
hahha!!! in my dream i was having problem drive up the hill as well but this time with a sandy road..
but luckily this time i manage to drive up hill... once reach i can hear my fellow friends who has reach before me.. saying...hey! this valcano lava is cold....
har!! lava.... i thought is hot...but when i have a look, is really cold and we even slide through it as it seem to be like a river there...we was having fun there..
after that we go for a shopping nearby there....
all the things that happen there was so weird...but i could not express it in words...
when i woke up again for the second time, it was already 8.20am...i was thinking of calling Ah Ming again as i still have the scare feeling..but did not make the call coz was thinking that he might had asleep...
and i do not wish to disturb him...
after my leave this is my first nightmare again...
WHY?? i always dream of nightmare...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Trip to Pulau Pangkor

On 10/1/11 till 12/1/11, i had went to Pulau Pangkor with my hubby friends but the main reason to there is for fishing.
Nth much to be see and is kind of boring also as i did not fancy fishing but anyhow i just follow.
We rent 3 motors and 1 cars, on the first day, we had go round the island. i was driving the motor with Ah Ming. It was really funny on that day coz the motor does not have enough power to go up hill and with my inexperience way of driving had coz the motor to stop half way of the hill, in the end Ah Ming need to push  from behind...
his friends who is driving was laughing till his tears is out..luckily the rest of the passenger in the car was sleeping otherwise i wouldnt know how to face them all...
but due to all this i get burn from the motor exzos pipe which has coz the burning sign on my right leg... !_!
it was so pain and Ah Ming still can joke about it with all his friends, how breaking heart i am...
but i did not take it seriously as i dont want to be a person who get angry easily in front of his friends.

on the second nite, i was doing the bag packing while Ah Ming and his friends went for fishing as we going back on the third day early morning.. i was awake quite early that day as i had enough sleep already..
then i did some little packing again and notice a ring box written lazo diamond on it... i realise that he is trying to propose to me again... so i just put it back without opening it..
At first i was thinking to pretend as if i did not see it but while we are on the ferry i split it out to him saying that i saw the box already and there is no more surprise...
once we reach our car, he take out the ring and just put it on my finger...WOW!! am i too easy to say yes...??

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I just finish my dinner with Ming and his friends...we eat lok lok..
Now i'm feeling much better... nth happen between us...
we as sweet as we use to be...
i'm happy i did not screw it up like i use to be...


A moment ago, i feel very very upset and disappointed, and the moment later i decided to let go...
I finish my work at 4pm today, i saw Samuel at TPH entrance. Calling to him but he seem i  say you are Sameul right? who you came with? your friends? you staying any hotel? o ok.. c u then..
but later on, he approached me asking about KL central bus so i assisted him but i end up giving him trouble seems as i forgotten about the genting skyway closure and only realise once i'm back at room..SORRY!!
O well, nth much i can do already as i dont have his contact no.
On my way back to room, i call up to Ming, telling him i'm on my way back
I ask him to look for me then we go to bank as i wanted to check sth but after my bath i receive his call saying that he is with Eddie at FWH wanted to buy sth
I was so excited the moment he say he will find me after 15 mins but only receive call saying that he is with Eddie, i feel so so so sad...
He said he will find me after 15mins but end up with Eddie at FWH, why cant he just tell me earlier saying that he be going out with Eddie...i was so rushing back to my room to bath and change cloth
i feel so jealous of his friends i might say.... i was thinking WHY..
am i not important to him? is it he like going out with his friends than me...
this is not the first time... my heart really ache and feel really "suan"
he call up and say that he sorry and didnt know it will turn out like that moment i talk back a bit but due to his phone out of credit so the line is cut half way...I was crying already..
Thinking WHY he did this to me makes me cry even more...
then i send sms to him telling him the reason why i was so upset...telling him that
i'm not upset becoz of not going to the bank..we agree to meet after 15 mins but you end up going  out with Eddie.. although is not very important but i really mind. this is not the first time already..
enough of all this, i dont want to say anymore... i'll accompany you for dinner..
10 mins before 6pm, he call up saying that he is at rc5 lobby already asking me to go down but i happen to just finish having my second bath so telling to go back his room to take his jacket.
at first he decided not to join Eddie for dinner but after telling him that i'm ok already, he decided to join again...
hopefully there is nth happen between us!!
going to join them for dinner now....cheers!!